New York Times | February 08, 2024
She Fights for Migrants and the Homeless. Could That Destroy Her Dream?
Once the city’s second-most powerful politician, Christine Quinn is now a high-profile advocate on the divisive homelessness and migrant crises. That could threaten her chances with future voters.
Read MorePatch | April 23, 2019
Most NYers Want Homeless Shelters In Their Neighborhoods: Poll
Homeless shelters may not be as controversial in New York City as they often seem, a new poll suggests. Nearly six in 10 New Yorkers…
NY1 | April 23, 2019
Christine Quinn on Inside City Hall
Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn sat down with Errol Louis to discuss why she thinks New Yorkers are open to putting new shelters in…
Crains New York | April 23, 2019
Most New Yorkers would support homeless shelter in their neighborhood: poll
The nonprofit [Win], which offers succor to the female indigent and their children, released a poll on Tuesday showing that 59% of respondents said they…
Fox | April 23, 2019
Christine Quinn on Good Day New York
Christine Quinn, the president and CEO of Win, spoke to Good Day New York about Win’s new poll on homelessness which surveyed one thousand New…
Curbed NY | April 23, 2019
Most New Yorkers would support homeless shelter in their neighborhood: poll
New York City has faced fierce opposition over its plans to build 90 new shelters for the city’s rising homeless population, but nearly six in…
El Diario | April 23, 2019
Neoyorquinos apoyan crear refugios para desamparados en sus barrios
La construcción de albergues para desamparados ha provocado acaloradas discusiones y hasta protestas en varios rincones de la Gran Manzana. Sin embargo, una encuesta, realizada…
El Diario | March 25, 2019
With work, but without home: the crisis of getting housing in NYC
Before dawn, Cordelia Henkins wakes up her three young children, prepares their breakfasts and lunches, and helps them organize their school supplies. In record time…
WNYC | March 25, 2019
NYC Is Paying for Thousands of Homeless Families to Move Out of the City
The Special One-Time Assistance program gives qualified homeless families a year of rent paid upfront in order to help get them out of the shelter…
WNYC | March 20, 2019
Homeless New Yorkers Are Spending More Time In Shelters Than Ever Before
Not only are there more homeless New Yorkers today than compared to six years ago, but they’re staying in shelters an average three to four…
Staten Island Advance | March 08, 2019
Chris Quinn Op-ed: Fact is, shelter will be good for North Shore
When most New Yorkers think of the homeless, they think of single – sometimes mentally ill – adults. While all New Yorkers in need deserve…