With 96 units of supportive housing and 64 units of affordable housing, Stone House is the largest supportive housing building for families in the state.

118th STREET

118th Street is Win’s first congregate permanent housing development for which we are the sole developer, with housing and services for 34 families.

Our Supportive Housing Program

In supportive housing units, clients live in their own apartments, and pay a reduced fee (30% of their income) towards rent. Although Win holds the leases to these apartments, clients act like tenants and are responsible for their own utilities.

Clients either live in single units rented out in the community or in buildings that Win either owns (Stone House, 118th Street) or leases (Close Avenue).

Win is the largest provider of permanent supportive housing in NYC. Currently, Win houses over 410 families in supportive housing units.

Benefits of Supportive Housing?

Supportive housing offers a permanent cost-effective alternative to homelessness. According to the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (2013), homeless people given supportive housing saved NYS taxpayers an average of $10,100 per person per year. Additionally, a University of Minnesota paper found that child maltreatment declined dramatically in supportive housing. Our Win clients have an average length of stay of seven years, which provides a tremendous level of stability for the family.

How Do We Select our Clients?

To qualify, the client must come from the shelter system and have one or a combination of the following special needs: mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, aged out of foster care.

What Kind of Supportive Services Do Clients Receive?

Clients work with case managers who conduct home visits and hold office hours. Case Management services vary by client, but typically include:

  • Referrals to programs for medical and or mental health needs
  • Assistance with financial literacy skills such as budgeting
  • Life skills
  • Crisis intervention
  • Job training and workforce readiness counseling
  • Education counseling
  • Our Close Avenue location has a psychiatric nurse practitioner on-site part-time
  • Social activities are planned as a way to build and promote community and have some fun

Our Win clients have an average length of stay of seven years and this provides a tremendous level of stability for the family.