Improving the lives of NYC’s women and children for over 40 years
Win provides safe housing and critical services to help homeless women and their children rebuild their lives and break the cycle of homelessness.
Win provides safe housing and critical services to help homeless women and their children rebuild their lives and break the cycle of homelessness.
Tomorrow, thousands of kids experiencing homelessness go back to school.
This morning, we rallied against the cruel policy that evicts migrant families with children from shelter every 60 days. Families deserve safe, stable, & guaranteed shelter - no matter where they're from.
In the 2021-2022 school year, 1.2 million children experienced homelessness in the United States.
As we continue to fight for an end to the homelessness crisis, we must emphasize the need for policies that support families with children.
In a 2020 study by @USGAO, researchers found a "$100 increase in median rent was associated with a 9% increase in estimated homelessness rate".
NYC must create more affordable housing and expand access to vouchers to address this crisis.